Sunday, May 23, 2021

Stanley Zhou, 5/19/21, Period 5, Day B

 Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

One of my current goals that I have for myself currently is to take care of my mental health. Since my last goal-setting blog, I have learned much more about myself as a creator on the YouTube platform such as how much my mental health affects my videos. I personally create videos intending for them to entertain an audience and spread some positive vibes into someone's day if they might be having a bad day. This is very difficult to do if my mind and body are not being taken care of properly.

I spent a month uploading video daily on my YouTube channel and felt really good about myself. However, my mental health took a toll because I was focusing so hard on making videos that I sacrificed time with family and friends. Sure it is great to do something you are passionate about but, mental health should be a top priority as it will affect your daily routine greatly.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Things I have done to achieve my goal are to spread out my upload schedule for videos and spending more time with family and friends. I have a daily routine of what times of the day I work on videos for YouTube and this limitation in my schedule allows me to work on my videos while still being able to spend time with my family and friends before leaving for college. This is the other major reason I have set this goal, and it is because when I leave for college, I won't be able to spend time with family so I need to take advantage of this and enjoy the time before I won't be able to. My parents and I have set up a schedule where half of my week is spent over in my grandma's house and the other half is spent at home with my parents which allows me to enjoy my family's company before I am off to college. This company improves my mental health too as spending time with family is always a stress reliever and happiness boost. Whether it be cooking with my grandma or learning to drive with my dad, I am enjoying my time with my family and balancing my hobbies with life.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

I feel like the world around me doesn't put a heavy emphasis on mental health and personal well-being. A motto from a famous corporation is "Just do it", which I use to look up to but now, I can see there is more to it than to just set your mind on something and grind it out until you can't anymore because it is not healthy for your mind or body. It is great to have aspirations and passions but, it is even better if you can balance it with family life, school life, and social life. I feel like the world around me has to put more emphasis on mental health because good mental health will boost your morale and motivation from personal experience and I believe it is a vital part of our everyday lives.

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