Monday, October 19, 2020

Ryan Hourican, Period 5, 10/15/20, Day B

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

The major goal for many at this time is to get accepted into a good college. This year could determine how I end up in the future. I could get into a fantastic school and do great or I could settle for a safety school and hope I do just as well as I would have in the better school. College has been on my mind for years and the goal has always been to go to the best one. My opinion on which is the best might have changed but the goal is still to get in because my future depends on it. I have many more goals for my future but the thing that can help me achieve all of those is the college I go to. Like many I want to be successful and happy and the college I go to could either help me get there or leave it as the difficult task it is. The major goal is success but the minor goal that can help me achieve success is college.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Throughout the years, I've been working hard to set myself up to go to a good college. I've worked hard in the classroom, done community service and have done my best to be the greatest version of myself that I can be but becoming a good football player is something I've done that I would have never guessed would help me achieve this goal. Of course the grades have to be good which is why I've worked hard to keep the grades high my entire school career but during this time I have been working hard on the field and have caught the eyes of a few college coaches. From what I've been told, they can give me a better chance at getting into their college purely based on the fact that they want me to play for them. I haven't gotten into college yet so I'm still working hard to be the best I can be.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

This day in age college is almost mandatory if you want to do well and find a good paying job.  This, of course, makes me want to get into the best one. The biggest thing that affects my perception of this goal is my parents and my sister. My sister is already at college and she has been a big influence on who I am. Because she's the older sibling, I've always been chasing her, trying to be as smart as her. This pushed me to get where I am and have all these opportunities but she also has been helping me in deciding where I might want to end up by telling me the ups and downs of each so I don't have any clouded judgement on any school I look at. My parents also have talked to me a lot about college and have been big supporters. They are helping me currently with college work but most importantly they have brought me to each college I might want to go to. The campus is a big part about choosing for me and driving me to each one is helping me decide which college is the favorite. They each helped me in forming my goals for the future and all thats left to happen is to wait and see who accepts me and who doesn't.

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