Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Kevin Coughlin, Period 8, 10/02/20, Day C

Kevin Coughlin
Modern Mythology
Period 8

What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power?
        I don’t understand why white people, men in particular, seem to think that anyone different from themselves are in some way inferior. It started with women. Historically, women were supposed to clean the house, mind the children, and cook the food. Then when Europe found Africa, they turned to the natives living there and started to persecute them and keep them as slaves for the color of their skin. Then, they turned to the LGBTQ community and started to marginalize them and criminalize their actions, even though it had no effect on them. I don’t understand why after centuries of intolerance, all of this still persists in 2020. Systemic racism shouldn’t be a thing in 2020. Conversion therapy shouldn’t be a thing in 2020. The gender wage gap shouldn’t be a thing in 2020. Society should’ve moved past these things a long time ago. It didn't, though. That’s why, here in 2020, people are rioting. It has been shown time and time again that peaceful protesting doesn’t lead to any impactful change. Their asks are very simple: treat me the same as you treat anyone else. The fact that this is not a given shocks and horrifies me. I also don’t understand how/why all this has become so political. These people are asking for basic human rights. There shouldn’t be anyone saying no, let alone almost half of the country.
        I will try to make this as apolitical as possible, but it needs to be said. Watching the debate last week horrified me. Besides the childish name calling and interrupting from two men in a position supposedly full of decorum, two things really scared me. The first is when the president told white supremacists to stand back and stand by. This not only makes it seem as if he’s their leader, but it implies that they will have a use, which, considering that he followed it up with “somebody has to deal with antifa and the left,” makes it seem like he will mobilize him against those that disagree with him/vote against him. The other terrifying moment was in the last few minutes when he suggested that his voters poll watch to intimidate voters of color and did not call for calm in the days of the election, indicating that his supporters may violently stop people from voting.

How do you reflect critically on your own beliefs, assumptions, values, and experiences and how these can influence your perception of self and others?
        As I write this, I am finding it very difficult to phrase certain things. In the top section, I am much closer to the type of person I am addressing than the minorities being oppressed. I have privilege. I don’t have to worry about being shot every time I walk past a police car. There is a very good possibility that I will make more money than a woman with the same qualifications than me. I will never be suspected fo a crime just due to my skin color. I can never understand what any of that is like. No one should have to know what it is like to be on the other side of these. I try to help as best I can, but I know that there is nothing I can do to make a real difference. So I am an ally. I am aware of my own inherent biases and I try to look at everyone as just another person.

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