Saturday, October 3, 2020

Eddie Chi, Period 2, 9/30/20, Day A

 Eddie Chi


Period 2

Modern Mythology 2021

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

I do have goals. For me, goals aren't just one achievement, they are processes that involve checkpoints. These checkpoints can be anything like a certain time I have to wake up at or finishing a college supplement on time. Once I pass one checkpoint, I'm on to the next, and eventually, I will reach my goal. Currently, the goal I'm most focused on right now is trying to adjust to the world at this point. Covid-19 has been going on for a while, and it was expected to end much sooner. Yet, now it seems likely it's going to last until 2021 keeping me home even longer.  Despite all the time I spent at home already, this time it's different. 

Most of my time in quarantine was spent at either at the end of the school year and in the summer so I wasn't expected to focus on responsibilities in school. Even though I did do some work, the introduction of college apps does add some weight. It's a struggle even if Covid-19 wasn't happening. But on top of that, I have to keep up my responsibilities at home. Before school, I had a problem trying to feel productive. So every day I would try to achieve some little goal to make it seem like I'm moving forward. I would exercise, read a book, and do chores. It made me feel productive and it put a smile on my face. So now I feel obligated to keep these little checkpoints in mind: daily exercising, laundry, and cooking. The reason why this its such a huge goal is that I can't overwork myself. This time makes it especially difficult because I will have to put maximum effort into every writing piece, daily chore, and math problem for me to become successful. The key is to find the balance and I'll take it one step at a time to achieve this goal.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Right now, I'm making little Post-it notes to stick on my wall for To-Do lists. They have every single assignment, essay, and reminder that I have to do. It makes me satisfied when I complete one but the main reason they are there is so I can plan every day out. I'm trying not to overwork myself but at the same time create very productive strides. Currently, on my wall, I have this blog, University of Michigan supplements, FAFSA, and my English fairytale paper. I planned it so I can do them all on a weekend while completing all my homework during the week. 

During the day, I try to wake up earlier so I can get the day started. I like to dedicate up to 4 hours of work a day to not overwork myself. Most importantly, I'd like to spread it out because this would give me the time to enjoy my day. One way of doing this is after lunch. Usually, I would eat lunch at 1-2 and since I can't exercise an hour after lunch (because of cramps), I can do work during that time. And at night, I can write essays or I can enjoy my time playing games or just relaxing. Take today, for example, it's my break day so I am writing this blog when I should be exercising because I plan to write my UMich supplements at night. And yesterday, I worked assignments in the morning and afternoon because I knew at night, I would be distracted from the NBA Finals.

These checkpoints are realistic but the main goal only comes through time. I don't expect to achieve it instantly but I know I will adjust to it eventually. The addition of college apps does pose a challenge but it was originally a challenge handling extracurriculars as well. I'm confident that if I work hard enough and keep my priorities straight, my goal will eventually be in reach.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The world right now is in a hectic time. It definitely adds to the difficulties of my goal. One is that it poses a huge distraction. My parents are super worried about the pandemic so the only time I can go out is when I want to go on a walk (I went on one today!). Yet, when I look around, I see all my friends from school going out to hang out and play volleyball. It definitely adds to my fear of missing out. It makes me feel like I can do so much more on my downtime. Yet the only thing that is keeping me focused is that I have to be patient so I can complete all my responsibilities while staying safe. Another difficulty is the pressure, especially for college. Many people are working hard, not just me, and they all want to get into good schools. It makes me nervous about the competition and how others can balance out their time and simultaneously work hard on their applications. It also makes me worry if I can be successful and if what I'm doing is right. 

If looking through a global lens, I'm only one person out of billions. I have to work hard to make a difference but no matter how small the lens is, I'm still going to be comparable to others. It adds distractions, pressures, and unexpected outcomes to my goals. The world just makes it harder.

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