Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5/4/20 Salma Torky PD 7

Salma Torky
Blogger #27
PD 7

What is it like working from home?
I personally don’t enjoy working from home. When it all started I did because I didn’t have all my classes everyday but it soon became boring and inefficient. There’s too much time on my hand and I’m not spending it as productively as I should. Having actual school kept me on a regular schedule and kept me in check with my schoolwork. It’s difficult to put that same effort when at home when there are distractions at every corner. I hope this will all cool down by the fall semester of college starts because I know transitioning into college from home won’t be easy. 
What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
America is still leading in both cases and deaths. We were one of the last countries to start testing yet we’re also one of the first to try to reopen everything. California’s governor announced a 4 stage plan that will have small businesses open by Friday. Florida and Georgia are some of the states which have recently reopened beaches, and most retail and restaurants. Trump recently changed his initial estimates of 60,000 people, which has already been surpassed, to over 100,000 by the end of the year. He also believes a vaccine will be created by the end of the year as well. 
What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
I honestly don’t believe the reactions that people are having right now. I don’t understand how people can be so ignorant and inconsiderate. There are thousands of people protesting the quarantine simply because they want a haircut or want to eat again. Not only are they endangering their own lives but the lives of actual essential workers, claiming that the quarantine is in violation of their first amendment. While people being ignorant is somewhat expected what  I don’t understand is why nothing is happening to stop them. Many actual peaceful and safe protests have been stopped before but this one is allowed to carry on even as they storm government buildings possibly spreading the virus. This virus has shown me that people are selfish and don’t care how their actions affect others. 

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