Wednesday, April 29, 2020

4/29/20 Colin Rualo PD 7

Colin Rualo PD.7
Modern Mythology 2020

What is it like working from home?
Working from home definitely has its benefits for me. Aside from obviously being able to do work mostly on my own time, I can take breaks I desperately need during the school day. Having the freedom to just leave my room and go eat or exercise just because I’m tired of doing workis an amazing benefit. Working from home gives me access to my computer (which I can’t bring to school), textbooks, and unlimited music. Having all the resources at my fingertips while I do work allows me to learn before I answer, rather than learn by getting something wrong. Being able to listen to music while I work helps me stay calm and focused on the task at hand. 

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
I’ve learned that some people get severe cabin fever, and that I just can’t relate. People, my parents included, need to step out and walk at the park or go for a drive (while yes, respecting social distancing and other safety precautions). It’s difficult for me to relate; I’m perfectly content in my room playing video games and watching Netflix. To add on to my point about cabin fever, I’ve learned that some people will sacrifice their safety to get some fresh air. Take Florida. Beaches in Jacksonville Beach were reopened and people swarmed. As if an open public area wouldn’t spread the virus. I’ve learned that people are still underestimating the destruction of this pandemic just so they can have fun now rather than later.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
All things considered, I really enjoy being home. Essential schooltime responsibilities are of little worry to me now. Rather than waking up by alarm at dawn, I wake up midday of my own accord. Rather than eating cold sandwiches for lunch everyday I am fortunate to be able to enjoy my parents’ cooking. School hasn’t taken a backseat role in my life though. I still have reading to do and assignments to complete. And with AP tests around the corner, I know it’s crucial to prepare and study, regardless whether I’m at home or in school. As for my thoughts on lockdown: I am fortunate that I didn’t have to change my lifestyle too drastically. Aside from no sports or going out, a day in my room could’ve been a normal Sunday in the past. I don’t mind staying “cooped up” as long as I have the Internet and food.

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