Wednesday, April 29, 2020

4/13/20 Nicholas Russo PD1

Nicholas Russo         Modern Mythology 2020                4/13/2020    Pd 1

What is it like working from home?

    Remote learning has been different to say the least. While the workload is reduced the whole school at home thing took a little bit of getting used to. Deadlines became harder to find for some classes, but overall I think that teachers and students have adjusted rather well. I personally appreciate the level of understanding that many teachers have during these times as some people could be dealing with sickness of themselves or a loved one.  I enjoy the freedom of working from home, as it lets me manage my own time more efficiently. The drawback of working from home is that a certain aspect of accountability for work has left as there is no specific class time to remind you of your work that needs to be completed. This is why working from home requires a much higher level of maturity and responsibility in my own eyes. 

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?
    I am observing one of the greatest tests of infrastructure and character for many countries and their leaders. For example, countries with more proactive infrastructures are handling the virus better than those who are merely reacting to it. Countries who responded quickly and with swift legal action like New Zealand are on their way to full recovery already, while slower countries like the USA are lagging behind. I am glad to see the amount of people taking quarantine seriously all over the world. 
Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
    At this point i'm not sure what to think. This has been a surreal experience to say the least. If you told me I would be home my senior year for a virus, I would have told you you were crazy a year ago. I personally think that this virus should serve as a wake up call to our country as it shows just how unprepared we were to deal with something like this. On the other hand, preparation for something like this isn't the easiest thing to realistically achieve. The continuation of social distancing and quarantine is essential to overcome the curve. Even if a vaccination is not presented, the real need comes in the form of some lesser treatment. Once people are able to be saved from death they will eventually develop natural antibodies, slowing down the death rate tremendously. I think that a vaccine is a great course of action, in addition to a lesser more suppression-like treatment. I do know that for years after this people will continue very hygenic mannerisms so at least there’s that silver lining.

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