Wednesday, April 22, 2020

4/21/20 Mat Meckowski Period 8

Mat Meckowski                 Modern Mythology 2020 P8
Blog for 4/21
Thus far, working from home has been a double edged sword. On one hand, I’ve kind of become my own boss when it comes to work. I don’t have to show up to school and class on time, and I can manage my time in a way that more effectively suits me. On the other hand, being taken out of the school environment has put me in permanent vacation mode, and I have become a god-tier procrastinator. Overall, adjusting to remote learning hasn’t been that bad for me, and I enjoy that I now have more time on my hands to focus on my hobbies and fitness. Judging on the community reaction to the current pandemic, clearly not everyone has adjusted so easily. Seeing false information being spread around is basically a norm, especially when the pandemic first started and not much was known about it. Panic buying was kind of disappointing to witness, but I’m glad that as of now, people have mostly started to take appropriate precautions. Seeing people with masks on the beach when I go for a run is still strange, but something I’ve gotten accustomed to seeing. 
After reading “Interview with a Vampire” and going through the lessons, it's interesting to see the different takes on vampires different forms of media have. From “The Witcher” games to the various “Dracula” movies, each artist seems to have a different take on vampires. Vampires in “The Witcher” books and games have essentially none of the classical weaknesses of other vampires, including sunlight and a stake through the heart, while in several Dracula adaptations, all of these weaknesses exist. This has led me to wonder why vampires are so uniquely interpreted while most other monsters remain more or less the same across series. 

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