Tuesday, April 21, 2020

4/21/20 Cornelia Murja PD 7

Cornelia Murja   Blogger #17
Period 7
Modern Mythology 2020       


Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now?

I think I am doing ok compared to other people during this quarantine. I have had ample time to finish my school
work and developed my hobbies. I got to watch some new shows on Netflix that I had not gotten a chance to do since forever. I have time to cook now. I never realized that during our adult life we will have to pick something to eat for lunch and dinner. Do you know how difficult that decision can be? Although I am enjoying this stress-free life, I really do miss school. I am upset over the fact that I may never get to see some of my friends again as I have known them for at least 4 years. I miss our hangouts and seeing them on FaceTime isn’t enough. It also doesn’t help when their birthdays are during these months and I am constantly reminded that instead of sending a video, we could have done a fun activity. I am grateful that everyone close to me is not sick and I hope we can beat this virus soon.

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?

I am truly shocked at how people are acting during these times. The number of videos where people are being racist towards Asians or other cultures appalled me. During this time where we should be supportive of one another, you see hate. It really is sad to see how much of a monster humans can be. In addition, it is so wild to see people protesting to open up states and violating social distancing orders. I feel that everyone wants everything to go back to normal, but we need to understand that we are putting ourselves and others when we violate social distancing orders. I saw an image the other day of a health care worker blocking the roads so people couldn’t pass through to protest. There are millions of people risking their lives for us and all they are asking is for us to stay home so they can do their job. On a more positive note, it is very rewarding to see people and businesses donating money, goods, and food to essential workers.

What is it like working from home?

Working from home has both positive and negative parts. It is very tempting to sleep in or just watch movies all day, but I do make sure to get up around 8 am each day to be productive. I like the fact that we only have three classes each day as it allows me to be focused on some classes each day instead of all. It is hard sometimes as there are lessons I would like to have a teacher explain. Sometimes Youtube or even Khan Academy can get on my nerves. This is why I appreciate when Mrs.Fusaro has explanations on each slide to make sure everyone understands the material on the lessons. At least now, I get to learn at a comfortable pace while also eating a snack or two at the comfort of my own home.

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