Tuesday, April 21, 2020

4/20/20 Matthew Marlin Period 8

Matthew Marlin
Period 8
Modern Mythology 2020

What is it like working from home?

For me personally, I do not like working from home at all. I like having a structured life and I am finding it difficult to keep track of assignments and due dates while working from home. The overall lack of structure makes it very hard to stay focused for me. However, the situation is helping me learn how to make a structure for myself rather than simply following whatever existing structure is there due to the relative lack of one. On the other hand, it is great to be spending so much time with my family. There is now plenty of family bonding time where before that might have been something we were having trouble finding time for. Finally, I am finding that a good way to keep myself structured is to plan my day around my work and my daily run (with a mask on of course).

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?

I have been learning a great amount about our world based on the reactions. One of the things I have learned about our world is the power of a reaction. Some reactions are emotional, others are logical but no matter what a reaction has power. Some people are coming together in a strong way, for example many car manufacturers and Formula One teams have been using their technology to make the respirators the world so desperately needs. There have also been new industries growing out of this situation and other industries are being weakened. The last thing I’ve learned from the reactions is that everything comes at a price, nothing is free. 

Your own personal feelings on what is happening right now?        
Personally, I feel that though we may have done the right thing in order to slow the spread of the virus by closing everything down. The slowing of the virus may have come at too high of a price. I’m not claiming to be a doctor or anything of the sort but I am simply observing that any time there is a significant economic issue, the general populace pays the price in the end. This virus has triggered a situation that will likely the world as we know it and how it operates. It could be that some people never go to a restaurant again or many of the other places people would socialize and interact. Additionally, the economic turmoil caused by this event will likely take years to recover from, which will fall largely on my generation. These are simply my thoughts and feelings on the matter, whether they are correct remains to be seen. Stay healthy.

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