Tuesday, April 14, 2020

4/14/20 Clara Lu Period 5

Clara Lu
Period 5
Blogger #19

What is it like working from home?
Working from home is a very different experience from what I am used to. Everyday is very “go at
your own pace” and not as strict about following a certain schedule. For most of my classes, as long as we submit the work by the next cycle (every three days), our day to day plans are up to us. A few teachers use video calling platforms to teach the class as a whole, like lessons when we were actually in school. In the beginning, it was cool to be in “math class” on my computer while my friends were on my phone working on their own classwork, but we could still see each other and talk. But at the same time, being at home means I can push off work until later, sleep and wake up later as if it were summer, and get distracted more. I’ve been on Netflix everyday and even though I do all my work when it’s assigned, I can feel myself being unproductive and sitting around most of the day doing nothing. After a month of being at home it’s getting harder to concentrate on schoolwork, especially with regents cancelled and AP tests being simplified.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Currently there are over 1,950,000 confirmed cases worldwide, with the United States having about 30% of the cases and the most worldwide for about three weeks. Assuming the data from other countries is accurate, the number of cases is above everyone else by a lot, but the curve has begun to flatten, especially in New York. The state has about 1/3 of the confirmed cases, and we only recently reached the peak. There has also been talk of possibly reopening the economy on May 1st, like other countries have already begun. For school, regents have been cancelled and AP tests have been made easier. The mayor has also said schools will be closed for the rest of the academic year, but it is still unknown because the governor has the final say. There is still a long road ahead, and we have no idea what will happen in a week or month, and how we will be affected. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

I find what is happening now to be very interesting, but also scary. Never in anyone’s life would they think that they would live through a pandemic. Everyday, the numbers would go up, then we were told to quarantine ourselves and schools shut down. At the beginning, my friends and I would sit at the lunch table and talk about how there’s a few cases in the city. Overtime, it spread so fast and to so many different people that it just seemed crazy. There was racism and people stocking up on food, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper. It’s all so crazy and if schools get closed for the rest of the year, seniors will miss out on a lot. As the weather gets warmer, I can only sit inside my house all day and feel sad. I can’t wait to see my friends again and hang out like we used to. But I also know that everything won’t be able to return to how they used to be, but I’m hopeful that everything will get better soon and next year will be okay.

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