Monday, April 13, 2020

4/13/20 Billy Dong PD7

Billy Dong 
Period 7

What is it like working from home?
Due to the events going around the world, schools have been closed and we started working
from home. At first it was kind of exciting. Like who wouldn’t want to work from home. Get a
cup of coffee and relax while you work in your bed. But as time went on, it has become more and
more tiring. I can physically feel myself getting more and more lazy. I’m trying to stop this by
making a daily routine but working from home just doesn’t give me the same motivation as working
at school. In many cases, I find myself often distracted by youtube or netflix without even knowing it.
Without any supervision, I feel like I lack control but I also believe this is a good opportunity to
practice for college. It is a time to become more and more independent as everyone is struggling so
you can’t rely on them forever.  I’m going to hang in there and hope for the best. 

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Things aren’t looking so good for us in America. We are on a constant rise and the number of
new cases haven’t been dropping. New York City is on a lockdown as people can only go out when
it is really necessary. New York alone has 188,694 confirmed cases. I can’t imagine the amount we have that has not been confirmed. Many hospitals are now short in supplies and it is very worrying of what is going to happen. I do believe this is going to end one day however as many countries like China and South Korea have been dropping in the amount of cases. I hope the best for everyone and can’t wait for our lives to go back to normal. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now

I personally feel very tired and deadful of what is happening right now. Despite being hopeful
that this situation will end, I don’t know when. I’m very sad that I’m missing my senior year. Many
things like prom and graduation that I’m pretty sure every class of 2020 was looking forward to has been
either canceled or postponed. This is also the last year I get to see every single one of my friends and
I miss them very much. It made me realize how much we have taken advantage of what we had earlier.
I’m also sad and grateful for all the front line workers that we have keeping the situation under control.
I recently saw a photo of a doctor with marks all over her face from wearing her mask and goggles for
over 14 hours fighting the virus. These brave people are giving it their all so I really do hope that the
people who aren’t taking this seriously enough learn to stay home. She said her worst nightmare was
one day when supplies were limited, having to choose who has a better chance of living and who
doesn’t. I hope everyone stays safe we can all meet each other again.

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