Monday, March 30, 2020

3/30/20 Henry Cao PD 7

Henry Cao Period 7
Modern Mythology 2020

Updates around the world/community regarding the virus:
As of 3/30/20, President Trump has promised that the United States would soon send
supplies such as ventilators to Europe after speaking highly of the number of ventilators
American companies were now producing. State governors continue to point out the lack of s
upplies to the president, prompting his “leadership, assistance and quick action.”
Despite this, many government officials have requested more resources as the virus continues
to spread. The FDA has granted emergency approval of the use of two malaria drugs to
treat severely ill patients. However, there has yet to be conclusive evidence on whether or
not the drugs work. Although there have been massive donations of the drugs, they have
already gone into shortage. There are a total of over 140,000 cases in the United States and
2,400 deaths in the country, making the U.S. the leading nation in confirmed cases.
According to the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York has reported
38,000 of these cases. Around the globe, there have been nearly 800,000 cases with a
death toll approaching 40,000. 

What it’s like working from home:
Honestly, I find working from home quite enjoyable. It eliminates the need for a
dreadful commute from my home to school, allowing me to sleep in. Along the
lines of sleep, my sleep schedule has become a liability. Since the remote learning
experience has started, I’ve been getting to bed later and waking up later. This along,
with my lost sense of time, has made it a little challenging keeping on track with my
assignments. A lot of my classes such as Modern Mythology and AP Government easily
transitioned with remote learning. With a later start time and a break between each period,
I find myself feeling less stressed due to the openness in my schedule. On the other hand,
since all the teachers are communicating through emails and Google Classroom, instructions
on how to proceed with the assignments can get confusing. For instance, I woke up
and nearly had a heart attack thinking I missed my AP Calculus Zoom meeting. My
biggest challenge with remote learning is having to deal with my slow and old computer.
My unreliable computer has made completing all my assignments and attending Zoom
meetings troublesome. 

Thoughts and Personal Feelings:
When it was announced that schools would be closing up to April 20th, I found the
entire situation very surreal, believing it was some sort of dream. It was chilling
thinking about how that Friday may have been the last day of high school for me. It’s
become a meme on how the Class of 2020 may not have a proper graduation. As
humorous as some may be, it’s also a little disheartening knowing our high school career
has been cut short. I think one of the first thoughts in everyone’s head was how schools were
going to approach teaching. It’s been quite an adventure seeing Mr. Brunetti’s face on a
screen as he balances half-reactions and plays with his dog, Ginger. Overall, I think the
school’s ability to quickly adapt this digital route is quite impressive given the immediacy
of the situation. Even during this epidemic, my friends and I continue to remain positive
and spend time with each other over the Internet. 


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