Serena Low
Modern Mythology Period 1
As of Saturday, there was a lot of turmoil going on in the US in regards to the coronavirus. Trump made a statement about how the tri-state area should be locked down, meaning no outreach to any other states. Later on in the day, he announced on Twitter that he didn’t mean it and was mistaken. As a response to the statement, during a press release, Cuomo stated that it was as if he was trying to start a war between states. While I understand that New York has one of the highest contraction rates, it’s ridiculous that people are being stopped for just having a New York license plate. I get that people in other states want to try to keep their community as corona-free as possible, but this behavior could be compared to the people getting beaten up just because they’re Chinese. Trump also continues to call COVID-19 the “chinese virus” and a lot of people do believe that just because it originated in China, all Chinese people have the virus. This has led people to be vindictive against Chinese people, attacking them in public and openly racist.
Do I expect better from this generation? Yes, yes I do. Some people may not have access to entirely accurate information, but they shouldn’t blame an entire race for this pandemic. It’s not solely one race’s fault for spreading the virus; that takes more than a few people. Violence will not solve anything. Even if someone manages to eradicate everyone with COVID-19, the virus will still be there. Smallpox and other diseases that were supposedly wiped out a while ago still have cases that pop up out of nowhere. The right thing to do is to social distance, be aware of the symptoms of the disease, wash your hands thoroughly, and find better things to do at home.
On another note, the quarantine has not been treating me well. My sleep schedule is not doing well. I believe that I have been sleeping less than I have when I was still attending school. For example, I sleep as late as 5 AM for no reason; I don’t have much work on most days, except for Block B. Honestly, there’s nothing much to do at home. I could practice instruments or learn a new hobby, but the quarantine has sucked any motivation I once had out of me. I have an overwhelming need to go outside and just breathe fresh air, but I know it’s not wise to do that. It’s really hard to keep the temptation at bay when there’s a large window in your room.
It has been somewhat hard to keep track of certain assignments and zoom calls. I get distracted by the news blasting throughout my house 24/7 paired with my brother video calling his friends about games and not about school work. There is not a minute of silence in my house, which makes me want to go outside even more. A personal thought to end with: Why does my mom kick me off the TV to watch the weather if we don’t go out anymore?
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