Sunday, March 29, 2020

3/24/20 Samiha Aladin Pd 2

Modern Mythology PD2
Samiha Aladin
Blog #3

What is it like working from home?
Working from home is a really different and new experience. There’s 3 days - A, B, and C with 3 classes a day each lasting 75 minutes with 45 minutes break in between. With classes starting later, I’m able to catch up on some sleep as I don’t have to wake up super early and commute to school. It’s also nice in the way that I can move around and be independent to do other things during class and not be restrained to a table and chair. With this new REMOTE learning happening, my time has been more flexible which I like since I don’t have to submit assignments immediately such that I have such a limited time to complete other assignments. The ability to complete assignments on my own time and to have the lessons given to us is completely different from a school setting but definitely a benefit, as I have the time to comprehend the material and also discuss with teachers on Zoom when I need to. Having the materials is also handy since we can access information that we usually want but are not given. I think the fact that our school is tech-based to begin with helps with a smooth transition to online classes. Overall, I’d say that this big change of scenario to REMOTE learning is pretty nice. We also are being kept isolated from each other, where we decrease the chances of us contracting this deadly virus, which is a crucial benefit.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
  • Cases in the US are increasing with 42,164 cases confirmed and 704 deaths with New York being the epicenter of this crisis. We have a total of 25,665 in New York State. 
  • Worldwide, there’s a total of 372,755 cases.
  • Public schools are closed until at least April 20 
  • The need for PPE and ventilators is increasing day by day along with the need for more hospital beds and ICU beds to treat patients. As a result, Governor Cuomo has brought in the Army Corps to convert 4 sites in the State into hospitals 
  • Companies like Ford and Tesla have currently halted their productions in order to produce equipment for the country in this time of crisis. 
  • All non-essential workers are to stay home and all non-essential businesses are closed indefinitely. Restaurants are closed with only takeout or delivery being offered until further notice.
  • New York is put on a PAUSE

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
What’s happening right now feels so unreal. A week ago, I never would’ve thought that I would be where I am right now. People are emptying out shelves in stores from toilet paper to water bottles pushing companies to limit how many supplies a person can buy. It’s crazy how we are going through all this right now and everything we are facing. We have no answer or solution to this virus and to what’s going to happen in the future. It’s terrifying how all our lives have changed within just a short amount of time. Everything is basically an “I don’t know.” To us seniors, it’s going to be very memorable (not necessarily in a good way) looking back at how our last year has been cut so short and how we have been afflicted with this pandemic. We don’t know what’s going to happen to all our senior activities - prom, senior day, graduation. We don’t even know if graduation will happen! Everything is so unknown it’s crazy! We started off this new decade with bad news after bad news, and it just seems to be getting worse. Education-wise I think that SITHS being technology-based, with technology and the internet already implemented helps students a lot with online learning since we’ve had most of our assignments on Google Classroom from the start. Though there’s an expectation of schools opening back on April 20th, I personally doubt it considering how rapidly this virus is spreading. No one is safe, considering how deadly and contagious this virus is and could affect anyone and everyone at any time. What’s even scarier is how people who are asymptomatic could be walking around affecting others without even knowing it. Though we will miss a lot of things, safety is and should be a priority and the best thing for us to do is stay home and slow the spread.

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