Monday, January 6, 2020

1/6/20 Katherine Cheung PD 7

Group 1 myth presentation- Warren, Steve, Edmund, Anthony, Janny, kevin

\Aim: What is Loki’s role in Norse mythology and what is its significance? 
Iandra started off the conversation by saying that trickery isn't always bad as it’s based on your intention. Billy added on by saying how trickery can be seen as a good thing as well, by using the word cunning, showing how you can easily get out of hard situations. Shannon stated that it is necessary sometimes, using an example of war, by saying you might have to trick people in war to survive. The idea that Loki is an evil trickster is a very christianized point of view, as the Norse didn’t find Loki evil but just a trickster, he himself is not an inherently evil being 

Why was Thor enraged w Loki? What did he want Loki to do?
Dejon said Loki cut Thor’s wife’s hair off, the first thing Thor thinks of is Loki and asks what he’s done while Loki responds by saying he had some fun after getting drunk.

What did Loki agree to give Brokk and Eitri if they won the competition?
Kelly stated that Loki agreed to give his head up as an insurance of sorts.

How did loki get out of his predicament?
Shannon said that Loki got out of his predicament by saying they can’t cut anything but his head which means they couldn’t cut his neck so they couldn’t really do anything to it. Along with that, he twisted it by saying they weren’t allowed to cut his skin either, therefore Loki tricked his way out of it again. 

Compare and Contrast: Greek vs Norse mythology in trickery.
Billy said in Greek myth is trickery is used more in a good aspect as the heros are cunning. 
Kelly added on by saying heros are using trickery to resolve an issue while Loki uses trickery to create problems 
Shan said Zeus didnt have good intentions however, as he uses trickery to rape women which like loki isnt for good

The group then presented a variety of prevalent items in Norse mythology.
  • Skildbladnir- a silk scarf that turns into a majestic ship when unfolded.
  • Golden wig- a flowing head of golden hair made of real gold. It attaches to a person's head and behaves as if it’s real hair.
  • Gungnir- a spear carved with runes that can penetrate anything.
  • Draupnir- aa ring gifted to Eitri by Odin. Every 9th night, the ring will drip 8 gold arm rings.
  • Mjolnir- hammer given to Thor by Eitri and Brokk. It’s described as unbreakable and never misses its target. 
  • Gullinbursti- A boar given to Frey by Brokk and Eitri. It races across the sky and sea faster than the fastest horse. 
  • All the gods agreed that mjollnir is the best gift 

Loki tempted the dwarves and if Loki lost, he would give up his head. The point of the story was to create an origin story for those artifacts.
Loki is responsible for making these gifts as they would have never been created if Loki had not cut of Thors wifes hair. It shows how Loki is misunderstood bcs he seen as bringing misfortune but no one see the good things that he brings. All the blame is put on Loki.

What does the inclusion of Loki and trickery tell us about the culture of Norse society and their values?
Dejon said that the Norse valued wit and being quick on their feet. 
Taya said that the Norse valued heros that fought bravely so it goes both ways with brains and brawns. 
The group presenting explained that Loki represents what a man shouldn’t be. They posted an article explaining that Thor and Odin are the ones you should look up to as they represent the 3 pillars of manhood- protect, provide and procreate. 

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