Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Winny Chan 12/11/19 Period 2 - Blog #2

“The end is where we start from.” -T.S. Eliot, The Wasteland

How does The Book of Revelation present the Apocalypse?

  • John the Apostle
  • Circa, 96 A.D.
  • Exiled on the Isle of Patmos

“Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter” - Revelation 1:19
  • Past
    • The address to the seven churches
    • The history of the church
  • Present 
    • The gathering of the church
    • The great tribulation
  • Future
    • The coming kingdom & eternity

How many events or elements of the tribulation can you identify from your reading of Revelation?
  • The number 12
  • Woman dragging beast
  • Plagues- bowls/virus
  • No repentance
  • Armageddon
  • 7 angels and trumpets
  • ⅓ of the earth
  • Land opens
  • Hades/hell
  • 4 Horsemen

The Seven Judgements of the Tribulation - from four viewpoints
  • 4 accounts of the same event with slightly different details but there is overlap
  • 42 months - 3 ½ years
    • Job- 42 chapters/ 42 months
      • Triangulation
  • The Four Gospels
    • The one Jesus is King in Matthew, Servant in Mark, Man in Luke, and God in John

What’s the big idea(s)?
  • Recompense- make amends
  • Ruin- something will be pulled down and something will be put back up into place
  • Return- a figure that comes to right the wrongs
  • Righteousness- our version of right
  • Restoration- things lost are restored
  • Rejoicing- hope

  • What did I learn? I learned that the Book of Revelations was told from 4 different points of views and their interpretation of what happened. There are some parts that overlap of disasters occuring over 42 months, but the specific disasters are slightly different. The big ideas of the Revelations are recompense, ruin, return, righteousness, restoration, and rejoining. 
  • Why did I learn it? I learned this because I didn’t know much about the Old Testament before and now that I read some of the stories I know that they all relate to each other. Now I know more about the Old Testament and about someone else’s religion.
  • How will I use what I learned? I learned this because it teaches us a lesson that when bad things happen because of karma you should learn from your mistakes. The people in this story wouldn’t repent even though all these disasters were happening. This will teach me that in the future I shouldn’t do bad things or karma will catch up to me until I do the right thing. I can also use this knowledge of what I learned to have conversations with others about these topics.

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