Thursday, December 12, 2019

10/11/19 Daniel Choi PD1

Today in class Mr. Misciagna came in and talked about the book of Revelations in the bible.
Revelation is basically "The end as we know it."
Mr.Misciagna talked about how the world will end and life will start again just like the story of Noah's ark. 
We learned about the book of revelation and its history like John the apostle wrote the book.
Revelation 1:19 write the things which thou has seen and the things which are and the things which shall be better.
Revelations can be split into past present and future.
Past chapter 2-3
Present chapter 4-19
Future chapter 20-22
Revelations is the Great tribulation.
We talked about the events and elements of the tribulation. Seals were broken, 4horsemen, woman dragon, ⅓ of the earth was destroyed, scorching sun, etc
Seven judgments of the tribulation from 4 viewpoints.
The book of job is a small part of revelation.
They both suffer and in the end are redeemed.

The 4 horsemen:
White: Anti Christ
Red: War
Black: Famine
Pale: Death

The big idea of Revelations: Recompense,ruin, return, righteousness, restoration, rejoicing
There are horrific lines and beautiful lines right after.
There is a cycle of destruction and renewal in revelations.

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