Thursday, October 3, 2019

10/2/19 Benjamin Evelson Pd 2

Benjamin Evelson Pd. 2
Although no notes were taken today, students walked in today after a four day weekend into a reading check pop quiz on the first 12 pages of Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton. In these 12 pages, the reader is introduced to Greek mythology, learning how mythology shows how humans thought and felt, how Homer created the first written record of Greece with the Iliad, which contains the oldest Greek literature, and even the difference between how the Greeks made the g-ds in their own image, while the Egyptians made them human-animal hybrids. After being tested on our knowledge of an introduction to mythology, with five tough questions, our teacher flipped to the next slide to reveal that we were going to do a classwide Kahoot, based off of the passage as well. Totaling up to 16 questions, and a ton of competition, the top two places went to group 2, scoring them 170 points, while team 3 got third, gaining 50 points to their total.

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