Friday, October 18, 2019

10/18/19 Abanob Shehata PD5 Blog

Sophomores 2020
Abanob Shehata
Period 5
Blogger #21

     Today was the review day for our test about the Lord of the flies which is on Monday. So how the review works is that a student asks a question and then other students try to answer that question. If no one knows the answer then Mrs.Fusaro would answer it.There were many questions that were asked and answered. One question was, in what point of the book did Jack officially become chief? After a while of searching we found a few pages such as 133 and 136 where Jack makes himself chief. But after a little more searching we found that in the beginning of chapter 8 Jack sort of broke up and made his own group and a bunch of other kids followed him and this is the first point in the book where Jack was officially chief. Another question that was asked was why didn't all the kids join Jack's group. The answer to that question was that not all the kids felt like Jack should be their leader and they thought that Ralph and Piggy were more rational and so they joined Ralph's group instead. Another student in the class was confused by the quote "I should have thought that a pack of British boys would have put on a better show than that?" And the answer to that was that at the time World War 2 was in full gear and the British were considered the good guys and civilized while the Germans were considered savages. So the naval officer meant it as a "British joke to British people" to basically ask them why are you guys uncivilized like the Germans even though you are British. After that there were no more questions so the class broke up into groups and discussed our Lord of the Flies project. Part of the project is that we somehow have to create an island in anyway we like. So my group Guy discussed how we were going to make the entire island out of candy. So we discussed how we wanted to split the island into six sections. For example one section could have a volcano and another could have a jungle . We also talked about how we should have each of our characters be rulers or Kings of a section. Then we discussed how we were going to build the landscapes and which candies we were planning on using. For example we could use Twizzlers or strawberry syrup for our volcano. We also spent a while considering the dimensions of the island and other minor details such as how we can use the makerspace to help us with the project.

    This is our basic drawing for our project . We said that the island will be surrounded by water (represented by blue) and within will be the island (represented by brown) and there will be six different sections tha are labeled.

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