Sunday, May 12, 2019

Thami Hamzane #7-13

 AIM: How does the director (Kenneth Branagh) and Shakespeare use Tone to convey meaning.

                    To start off today's lesson we did an exercise/activity where we used tone words to describe our feelings about school. 

                       While some kids descriptions of the school were bright and cheery most students had a dark drab outlook on school life, and with exams coming up that is a meaning that I can really understand.

                  We talked about the importance of authors word choice and how the words the author selects shifts the author's tone and the general direction that literature can take.

We then moved on to an explanation of "Humor's" and "Temperments" in                        Shakespeare's writing.

Essentially in Shakespeare's time's people  believed that behavior and general health was based around four humor's:
 Phlegmatic (Phlegm), Sanguine (Blood), Melancholy (Black Bile), Choleric (Yellow Bile).
And in order to be healthy, a person must have a balance of all of these. An improper balance could lead to sickness or changes in mood/personality. 
So naturally, we took an online test to check what humor you were which I linked below:

After this, we watched the movie of "Much Ado About Nothing" and discussed plot details and how the characters utilized inflection and tone.

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