Thursday, May 9, 2019

Jacob Gurevich #7-12

May 8th, 2019
Today we took a vocabulary quiz.
We were asked to analyze the language of a quote in Mucha Do About nothing.
Benedick - l.i 257-262 page 21
The bulk that benedick refers to is him being a cuckold. He doesn’t want to get married because he is afraid that he will get cheated on and become a cuckold. Also, he refers to marriage as a horse dragging a wagon.
A major theme is displayed in this quote is dishonesty and deception and most importantly honor. Bendick cares greatly about honor because honor affects everyone.

We then read and finished scene one.
The goal is to get Claudio to marry hero. During the masquerade, Prince will go to hero, propose to hero, then when she says yes he says sike it’s for Claudio, she agrees to marry him, then he gets hero’s dads word. Which we discussed was very dishonorable for Claudio but it’s fine because it was at a party.
There’s a false rumor being spread that the prince really wants to marry hero which isn’t true.
Don John isn’t happy that his brother is getting everything and he gets nothing. He also calls himself a villain.
Don John is very sarcastic and hates Claudio

We learned about the definition of a bastard

Don John is a bastard since his dad who was king made him with another girl and not the queen.

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