Build Your Own Vampire Project
Objective: The goal of this project is for your team to create the rules and attributes of your own vampire universe. While creativity is necessary, research is actually the focal point. The caveat is that your vampire universe must be based on research your team completes about stories associated with vampires from any point in time, history, folklore, or fiction.
Team Name: Pain in the Neck | Class Period: 2 |
Team Members: Joseph Parise, Raymond Grishko, John Pessolano, Anton Petrik, Ivan Burov, Sherman Zhou | |
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Vampire’s Ethnicity: Romanian | |
Justification: We chose Romanian due to the fact it is the location originally associated with vampires. Bram Stokers Dracula is the quintessential vampire story so it only felt natural to take its origin location. Beyond Dracula, Romania has all the traits you would associate with the land of vampires. Romania has long cold winter, foreboding mountain ranges, and medieval castles. Traditionally, Romanians are typically fair skinned with sharp facial structures. These characteristics are commonly associated with Vampires. Sources: |
Vampire’s Abilities: Hypnotism, Fangs, Super Strength | |
Justification: We gave our vampires their abilities based on the original vampire stories of the mid-1800s. Fangs are a must on vampires, giving them the means needed to feed on their prey. Hypnotism is a power given in Varney The Vampire in order to make the vampires more alluring to offset their hideous face. Without hypnotism, vampires would lose their trademark charm and simply be repulsive. Super strength was the modern addition, done to ensure that once a vampire has its hands on its prey there is no escape. Sources: |
Vampire’s Weaknesses: Garlic, Holy Water, Cross | |
Justification: We chose traditional Eastern European weaknesses for vampires to synchronize with our vampire's Romanian heritage. Garlic is not deadly on contact to our vampires but instead is deadly if consumed in the blood of victims. Vampires blood has certain properties that allow them to live forever but it loses its supernatural ability when mixed with a specific antibody found in garlic. Holy water and the cross both burn the vampire's skin on contact. Vampires fear the holy as their eternal life is granted by a satanic beast that roams the forest of Romania. Sunlight is NOT a weakness and is actually preferred due to their lack of a working heart to regulate body temperature. Sources: |
Vampire’s Reproduction: Drinking the blood of a vampire | |
Justification: In order to make our vampire far more unique we added a spin to how our species reproduces. As opposed to a standard bite to the neck vampires must be killed and their blood drank by an adult human. This trait has made vampires a dying breed. The number of vampires can only stay constant or decrease. This trait makes vampires prey as much as they are predators due to their coveted immortality. Sources: |
Vampire’s Camouflage: High levels of intelligence | |
Justification: Vampires due to their indefinite life spans are able to obtain huge quantities of information. This, in turn, allows them to develop their intelligence to a superhuman level. They use this power to stay three steps ahead of their hunters and their prey. Humans actions are easily predicted by vampires which allows for vampires to intermingle with people and essentially be one of them till the vampire decides to feed. Sources: |
Vampire’s Home: Malawi | |
Justification: We chose Malawi as the place our vampire takes up residence due to the current vampire hysteria taking place there. In 2017 the United Nations was forced to pull out due to lynch mobs forming due to the suspected presence of a vampire. Beyond the recent vampire related turmoil, Malawi acts as a perfect residence for a vampire with large areas of undeveloped land lacking people to discover it while it sleeps along with a lack of Catholicism. This, in turn, leads to no crosses or holy water effectively removing the vampires 2 main weaknesses Sources: |
Vampire’s Preferences: The weak and vulnerable | |
Justification: The vampire's preference is solitary targets usually young or female. They are the easiest to physically overpower. Like any hunter, they do what they can to maximize their effectiveness to constantly stay fed. Furthermore, due to their satanic nature, they derive pleasure from killing the weak and defenseless and will prioritize the young over anything else, making a show of killing them slowly in front of helpless bystanders soon to share the same fate. Sources: |
Personal Backstory: Dhampir the tribal killer | |
Justification: Dhampir was an original vampire create by the satanic beast in the Romanian forests in 1142 A.D the genesis of all one hundred vampires in the world. Dhampir was content for the first half-millennium simply preying on those foolish enough to venture alone into the wilderness around Bran Castle. As he aged he became bored and wished to experience more of human society. After immigrating to Italy he was quickly ousted as a vampire due to careless feeding habits. The news of a documented vampire spread quickly and Dhampir was faced with no choice but to flee back into a part of the world not familiar with his existence. He finds himself in the jungles of Malwai and has ever since prayed upon the small groups of indigenous peoples in Malwais sprawling jungles. Sources: |
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