Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Blog #9, Alina Geng, Blogger 7-9

October 3, 2018

Aim: How does William Golding draw on human nature and the Bible to create complex themes as depicted in chapter 8 of Lord of the Flies?

Do Now: (Pair-Share) Compare and contrast the two images. In your comparison, be sure to identify the general theme of the paintings. Justify your assertion.

Picture on the left depicts a wolf woman talking with a spiritual man (he has a ring around his head). The wolf woman represents evil and the spiritual man represents good.
Although the two are opposites, they are talking and having  a good time.
Picture on the right shows the shadow of 10 kids varying in age against a white background. They are all tattered with blood markings and holding a long stick, presumably used to kill the dead pig in front of them. Although children are often portrayed as innocent, this picture highlights the evil in them.

Independent Response- Then Share
What is the literal Beast?
The literal beast is the dead parachuter. The real beast is the savagery slowly coming out of the children.

"There isn't anyone to help you. Only me. And I'm the beast… Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill… You knew… didn’t you? I'm part of you? Close, close! I'm the reason why it's no go?  Why things are the way they are?"     (From Chapter 8)

- The quote was from Simon "talking" to the beast.
- Narrator is speaking a controlling tone, giving off a mysterious mood
- The beast is raising questions about Simon's self-doubt, questioning whether the beast is a    physical being or sorting mental. The beast says Simon can't get rid of him.
- The boys are scared and doing things they normally wouldn't do
- Your group finds this passage absolutely insightful  because it  illuminates the worst qualities about the boys on the island, thus demonstrating that the human condition is declining and turning barbaric as each day goes by.

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