Monday, October 1, 2018

Blog #7, Teresa Crisantos, Blogger 7-7

Aim: How does William Golding formulate the island into a microcosm of World War II through allegory?

Do now: Think about the structure of school. You have a principal, assistant principals, teachers, paras, school aides, students, and other stuff. Within each group, there are other organizations, such as the student council. If you were to compare school structure to the structure of government, how does it equate?
    The principal would be the president, the assistant principlas would be the cabinet, the teachers would be the sentate, the security would be the military, and the students would be the citizens. In a government the people with less power usually compose the group with most people. 

Vocabulary of the day-
Microcosm- a representation of something on a much smaller scale. Microcosm means “small world”
Allegory- a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

Whole class discussion-
Consider context- What do you know about World War II?
Germany had to pay back war damages of World War One. Hitler became dictator in order to restore Germany’s wealth and put the blame of the debt on the Jews In addition Hitler wanted to get the perfect race. The people that did not fill these requirements were thought as less. Hitler set up camps to separate them and kill them. Countries like America joined the war in order to free the people that were being kept in these camps. America wasn’t very involved until Pearl Harbor. After this event America joined into the war and was on the allies side.

Facts about World War Two
-September 1, 1939- September 2, 1945
-Axis powers versus allies
-Holocaust in Germany as a result of World War One
-Germany had Adolf Hitler, Italy had Benito Mussolini, The United States of America had Franklin Roosevelt, and Britain had Winston Churchill
-Raised the discussion on human rights
-Death toll- 60,000,000- 85,000,000 more than the world has ever known. More than the mongol conquests, more than the three kingdoms war
-At the start America did not want to join the war
-America joined the war after Pearl Harbor.

Group work
1-The boys were on a plane flying out of Britain to escape the war, what is so tragically ironic about the situation they’re creating for themselves?
They are escaping one thing but are faced with another hardship on the island. On the island it is just a smaller version of the war they are escaping.
2. What does Ralph’s dream from chapter 6 foreshadow?
       It is foreshadowing that everything is becoming more real and that Ralph still longs for his home after he realizes that the hardships are also faced here on this new island
3. Address the aim.
Makes smaller  of World War Two on the island they tried to escape the reality of the war and the conflict associated with it but they ended up in the same situation on the island

In this lesson we also learned that the three main characters are symbolic of people that are associated with World War Two. Ralph is symbolic of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jake of Adolf Hitler, and Piggy of Winston Churchill. 

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