Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sofya Ochirova, Period 1, 12/12/23

Sofya Ochirova
Period #1
Modern Mythology 2024

Socio-political Consciousness

For years, the "model minority" narrative has pictured Asian Americans as a uniform group who excel in academics and professional fields. While this stereotype may seem positive on the surface, it masks the complex reality of Asian-American experiences and completely ignores the pressure they are put under. When society holds up this idea that Asian Americans are perfect, overachieving, model students and workers, it creates unrealistic expectations. It creates assumptions that we're all good at math, science whizzes, and destined for Ivy League schools. It dismisses the challenges and struggles many Asian Americans face – the mental health issues from academic pressure, the cultural barriers, the economic disparities within our communities. It erases our individuality and lumps us into this homogenous group. This stereotype is a “damned if you do and damned if you don't” kind of situation. For example, in school you will be greeted with this bias that you’re good at sciences, so if you’re not then you’re a failure, but at the same time if you are, then you just fit the stereotype and the teacher might downplay your success. And while non-Asians buy into this stereotype, it often comes from our own community too. We're often expected to live up to these standards set by our families especially if you or your parents weren’t born in the US but only immigrated later in their lives. While this expectation might come from a positive place of wishing a better future for you, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy or being seen as the "failure".

Breaking free from the "model minority" stereotype means acknowledging our diversity, embracing our individual stories, struggles, and successes without being confined by societal expectations. It means recognizing that behind the facade of success, there are complex, multifaceted lives that deserve to be seen and understood.

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