Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Kalliopi Lambrinoudis, Period 6, 4/28/23

 Modern Mythology 2023

Kalliopi Lambrinoudis PD 6 4/28/23

Claudia’s Diary

Tonight, for the first time, my pen glides across my paper as I pour my deepest thoughts and desires onto these pages. My name is Claudia, and I am a vampire.

I don’t remember my human years. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been trapped in the fragile body of a five-year-old girl, hungry for blood. Lestat, who had created me, taught me the ways of a vampire. Despite my seemingly harmless exterior, I’m always on the hunt. My intellect surpasses that of a grown man, but people still dismiss me as a child. The contradiction within me grows every day.

Honestly, I’ve grown tired of playing the role of an innocent child. I possess the mind of an adult, the desires of a vampire, but I must adhere to the facade of a little girl. I look at grown women feeling nothing but jealousy and frustration. Lestat believes my current existence is better than the life I could’ve led. But he doesn’t understand. The world taunts me with its adult pleasures, with things I can only observe from afar. My existence feels incomplete, a constant reminder of what I am denied. I am trapped. My body is nothing more than a prison. The more I think about it, the more I resent the life that was thrust upon me against my will. I resent those who gave it to me. 

Louis, my creator, treats me like a child, despite the fact I am well beyond my 60s. He dotes on me, smothering me with affection, but his actions only remind me of my eternal imprisonment.

But it is Lestat who I despise the most. He was the one to turn me into a trapped me, leaving me with an unending dissatisfaction with my life for as long as I exist. I will never forgive him for this curse. 

Despite my unfortunate predicament, I must persevere. I am just as thirsty for knowledge as I am for blood. For what I can’t grow physically, I can make up for by growing intellectually.  

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