Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Nicholas Paronich, Period 2, 3/8/23

Nicholas Paronich

Period 2


Write about your thoughts regarding any of the fiction or nonfiction covered in class.

Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception.

How is what you’re learning applied to any other classes/the world around you?

The Book of Job intrigued me most in this class because of its application in the real world.  THe book of Job tells the story about the undying faith of a man named Job.  To test his faith and prove him worthy as an individual, God allows for him to be punished severely for a reason Job is unaware of.  He monitors Job’s reaction to the punishment showing his unwavering faith.  This story not only depicts the religious aspect of life but can be tied into everyday activities.  The theme that there isn’t always a reason for everything and sometimes life throws you a curveball is a strong theme that resonated with me.  Although sometimes it is beneficial to believe that the good acts you commit will circle back in karma therefore motivating you to continue to be a good citizen, it is an unstable source.  It is broken by experiencing life’s hardships with no reason for your punishment.  The realization of this makes one stronger and can produce that undying faith just as Job experienced.

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