Friday, January 13, 2023

Maggie Li, Period 6, 1/13/2023

 Atomic Habits & Growth:

The specific standards I have set for myself are to work on my time management/procrastination habits and increase my participation in class. I came to craft these specific standards for myself after assessing my performance this past semester. Procrastination has become a bad habit of mine. As a perfectionist, I find myself holding back in fear of being wrong or not producing the “perfect” answer. This fear has led me to put work off that I find difficult because I avoid the feeling that comes with not being able to craft the best end result. This perpetual idea overlaps into my lack of participation in class. It’s not that I don’t understand what is happening in class, but I am not secure in my thoughts and wait for others to validate them through their responses rather than share my own first. I end up missing the opportunities to converse with my classmates and develop our ideas together. Recently, I’ve come face to face with the realization that this is holding me back and also taking away from the class as a whole. Even if my ideas may not be 100% correct all of the time, in reality, nobody is perfect and part of learning is trial and error. Mistakes are allowed and perfectly normal. 

These standards that I have set for myself are relatively new but in Mythology class specifically, I have raised my hand in class to start a discussion which was a first for me. During the Norse project presentation, I initiated discussions with the class after we shared our play to discuss the significance of Skadi’s transformation and Idunn’s relationship with her. When it comes to procrastination, I still struggle a lot and it’s a tough habit to drop as I find myself submitting this blog late but I have kept on top of my recent assignment submissions. I think the biggest takeaway I’ve come to adopt in my life is not to stop trying altogether but just to do my best and be willing to forgive myself for my flaws as long as I actively work on them. 

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