Sunday, November 27, 2022

Kylie Kam, Period 2, 11/28/2022

 Literacy & Learning

  • Write about your thoughts regarding any of the fiction or nonfiction covered in class.

  • Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception

  • How is what you’re learning applied to any classes/the world around you?

In our continuing study of myths, I found myself intrigued by the story of Daedalus and his son, Icarus. Despite being imprisoned by King Minos in a labyrinth, Daedalus and Icarus were eventually able to escape. They made wings of wax and feathers, and Daedalus warned Icarus against flying too close to the sun to avoid melting them. In spite of Daedalus’ warning, he became enamored with flying and the freedom that it brings. Inevitably, the heat of the sun melts his wings, causing him to plummet to the ocean and drown. Based on Icarus’ action, it shows that many young people are unaware of what life involves and choose to disregard the words of their elders, many of whom are already familiar with the harsh realities of life. 

On the surface, the story’s message appears to be to tell readers that they should always listen carefully to instructions. However, upon closer examination, it reveals much more. In class we viewed a picture “Landscape with the Fall of Icarus” that depicts Icarus drowning at the corner of the picture while life is still happening around him. Icarus is experiencing a tragic accident, but the people around him don’t seem to care much and then carry on as if nothing happened. It shows that people have their own life to live and aren’t concerned about the events in your life. It would still be necessary for people to do their daily tasks, earn money, and have many other tasks to accomplish. Life continues to move on and doesn’t stop because of one tragedy.

The lesson I have learned with Daedalus and Icarus applies to the situations during 2020. There were a number of tragedies occurring simultaneously. There have been millions of deaths caused from the Covid pandemic, natural disasters, human action, and many more. It is sad to hear that so many people are suffering from this, but we are aware that it won’t prevent us from going about our daily lives. For example, students still have to go to school and learn every day, while the parents still have to go to their jobs and earn money. We continue to live our lives despite the tragedies that happen. 

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