Socio-political Consciousness:
What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power?
I know that ridding the world of issues of inequity, oppression and/or power is extremely
idealistic and most would consider: “impossible”, but that doesn’t mean that we should allow
them to continue on, just because it would be “hard” to fix them. Racism, homophobia and
misogyny, just to name a few of the issues prevalent in our society, are so deeply rooted in our
history. More recently, Roe vs Wade was overturned, no longer protecting women’s right to
abortions and their right to make their own decisions on their bodily autonomy. Pro-lifers claim
to care about babies' lives but are the same people who turn a blind eye to starving children,
children whose parents can’t afford to send them to school, children who are homeless, children
separated from their families at the borders. The overturning of Roe vs Wade was not about
“murdering babies”, it was about controlling women. Forcing women to give birth to a fetus,
regardless of the situation, like if they’re a victim of sexual assault, minors or simply can not
afford to give the child a good life, all circles back to subjecting women down to their uterus and
treating them as if their only value is their ability to birth children. Hershel Walker, a republican
candidate was recently accused of paying the mother of one of his children, $700 to have an
abortion. Isn’t this hypocritical? As his whole candidacy, he has clearly voiced his pro-life
stance, regardless of situation but here he is, allegedly, paying for an abortion? But will
republicans still vote for him? Yes, because politics in our country is not about who we elect into
office anymore, it doesn’t matter if they’re hypocritical or liars, all that matters is what they use
their vote for. I believe a lot of the oppression we see in the world stems from the egotistical
nature of mankind and their refusal to lower their pride and admit their faults but also their lust
for power. It’s disappointing that in the year 2022, women, poc, and lgbtq+ are being treated as
less than “the white man”, and to me, it seems as if we are only moving backwards.
How do you reflect critically on your own beliefs, assumptions, values, and experiences, and
how these can influence your perception of self and others?
Being a woman of color, I’ve experienced my fair share of racism and harassment over my
identity. Being sent racist memes, called slurs, being catcalled or objectified, made fun of for
speaking my native language and for my ethnic features, I know majority, if not all, members of
minorities can say they relate in some form. Of course, I’ve developed thick skin over the years,
but it doesn’t mean that all of the sudden it’s okay, just because I’m used to it. Seventeen year old
Maggie may not cry if someone pulled their eyes back to mock hers, but ten year old Maggie
would’ve. It really bothers me when my companions will dismiss racism or misogyny just
because it’s “not surprising” and we already knew that person was racist or misogynistic. Like
how is that excusable? They will dismiss the microaggression, just because that person is “cool”
or “funny” as if they are not the butt of their racist joke. It has definitely affected the way I view
those people, as I’m the type of person, who’s very vocal of my opinions and where I stand,
morally. It makes me question the morals of the dimissers who pick and choose who they hold
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