Thursday, May 26, 2022

Ryan Sliger, Period 8, 5/26/22

 Ryan Sliger 


One goal I have for myself right now, is to lose weight before starting college.  During the last 5 months the baseball season has been really difficult in trying to maintain weight, and I often found my weight constantly increasing.  Now that the baseball season is over I can work towards losing that weight again and eventually be ready for college where I plan to work out every day.  One reason I have for this goal is to ease myself into my college transition.  While I do plan to start working out alot more in college, I will hopefully not have to diet, and manage school work at the same time.  Trying to lose weight over the summer proves to be the best way to deal with both issues.

One way I will show resilience is mentally.  While trying to lose weight it is normal to experience cravings and one way to avoid them is by building up mental strength and showing resilience. This resilience will also help prepare me for college because balancing the gym with school work will be a struggle. I also demonstrate resilience by constantly working out.  This shows the dedication I have towards my goals.

The world around me I think is helping me achieve my goals.  After watching various tik toks and talking to different people who constantly go to the gym, everyone seems welcoming and ready to help.  I eventually want to be someone in that  community who is helping others get better in the lifting community.  I also think that social media has helped me conceptualize a physique that I would be proud of and set an end goal for myself.  Overall I think the world around me is very helpful in achieving my goals.

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