Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Julia Song, Period 8, 5/27/22

Julia Song, Period 8, 5/31/22

A goal that I have for myself right now is to enjoy senior year as much as I can and to have fun

with my friends before we go off to college. Also, another one of my goals is to be grateful for

every single day I wake up and am healthy. One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to journal

everyday, and I have been. I use this app called 1sec where I film a 1 second clip everyday and

write about it. Looking back at all of my memories makes me understand just how much fun and

activities a 24 hour period can be filled with. In a blink of an eye, this school year has passed by

so quickly and I am currently typing my last blog for this class while being quarantined after

testing positive for Covid. Getting Covid made me realize just how many events I missed and

things I could be doing instead of sitting on a couch, that also happens to be my bed, soaking in

my own germs. It made me really sad when I had to miss my last Multicultural show after

practicing a dance with my club members since way back in September. I watched the videos

that my friends took the day of the show and saw all the empty spaces in the dance where I was

supposed to be and felt awful. My mother and sister also bought tickets but didn’t end up going

so that my mother could take care of me. I also missed out on my friend Harry’s birthday party

that I was looking forward to so much. I resolved that once I test negative for Covid I am going

to treat every single day as if it's the last and live life to the fullest. I have to look on the bright

side and think of all the events that I won’t miss: Olivia’s birthday, Sofia’s birthday, prom,

graduation, and all the other future events coming my way!

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