Friday, April 8, 2022

Alexandra Doyle, Period 7, 4/8/22

 Creativity & Fiction

Literary elements (i.e. structure, tone, diction, mood, irony, and figurative language) to craft a narrative and/or poetry.


A mother births a stillborn baby.

The lights flicker and dim

A sign for the suffering

About to begin

Nurses and doctors

Crowd around

As the monitor and I

Make the same sound

Grief enters and raves

Wilted and woven in waves

A basket of sorrows and shore

An offering to the children

We never get to adore

Your life flashes before my eyes

My mind plagued with your phantom cries

Painting a picture 

Of a stolen child

My mind and vision spiraled

The image of you

I try to conceive

Of a little girl

I’m now responsible to grieve 

The twinkling of laughter and childhood charms

As I hold you still in my arms

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