Sunday, January 2, 2022

Jason Lu, Period 7, 1/3/2022

 Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

We as human individuals have a unique attraction to the concept of fulfillment, and thus we, as a general statement, recognize such fulfillment as a life goal. A part of what makes our lives unique, however, is the distinctness of how we achieve this fulfillment, as each individual sees the world in a different way.
What defines fulfillment to me is not fame or remembrance. For me, I’ve set a goal to make a lasting impact on the world, like making key contributions to important social movements, and helping environmental protection and research. If I can make people smile, and bring happiness into the lives of the oppressed, I believe my goal can be answered. If I can help ensure that future generations can still experience the calming, or on the inverse, exciting effect of nature, I will be satisfied.
On a more local scale, my relationships with close people give me the underlying meaning I need to even attempt any activism. I have made it an objective of mine to solidify my relationships with friends and family, especially as I move on into college and we move separate ways.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

A common obstacle that causes many people to avoid this goal is the difficulty for an individual to make meaningful difference. Due to the design of our society, the average working-class citizen lacks the voice and funding to make even miniscule social/policy changes. Even within large international organizations, progress towards their goals are slow, often because of the lack of public support.
But even despite these blockades, I and many others still find it absolutely necessary that we push forward. If we have even the slightest chance at changing something, even if it does involve hard work, we could save countless people and future generations from the confines of inequality. Though I understand the reason why many are apathetic, I believe we have an obligation as social creatures to share our fortune and strength with those that have less. 

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The world around me IS what gives these goals meaning for me. What sticks with me as I walk through Manhattan or look through social media isn’t the glamorous lifestyle of the rich, but rather the help that the working-class needs so desperately. The political unrest in our nation just screams social imbalance, and to me, I feel it is necessary for me to at least allocate one goal towards the progression of social reforms.
The vastness of the world and the scale of our ever growing population often results in concerns over the meaning of oneself. At the position in society that I am at, as a student,  though I can plan for and contribute to activism (which I am already), the contribution is more minimal than I would deem satisfactory for my goals. A display of mutual dependence for those close to me comes naturally, but I find it important to maintain and strengthen these as a necessity to maintain some pride in me on this eerily large planet. 

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