Friday, October 15, 2021

Trinity Jin, Period 1, 10/15/21

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

At this current point in time, I'm struggling to find a balance between school, my social life, and

my own personal life, so it would definitely be more efficient for me to work on time management

and prioritizing my education above all else. Whenever things seem to get even minorly difficult

or time-consuming, I avoid the work in an attempt to escape the feeling of anxiety and stress.

This has become such a habit for me that often times, I'm unable to finish assignments within

the deadline and because of how last minute it is, I'm only able to put in minimal effort to simply

have it completed rather than actually putting in effort and focusing on the grade. Time and time

again, I'm constantly sacrificing certain things in order to make up for my lack of effort, whether

it be sleep, grades, or the time I have for myself and loved ones. My goal now is to focus on

managing at least a little bit better to the point that I'm finally able to feel like I have some kind of

control over the direction of my life.

How do you demonstrate resilience (the ability to recover quickly from setbacks) towards

achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

When I'm met with setbacks towards achieving my goal, I try to stay organized to maintain order

in my daily life. I incorporate different methods of organization such as establishing to-do lists or

jotting down reminders on a calendar to help me visualize my deadlines. While it does

sometimes get difficult to keep track of everything, I always try to fix the problems I'd previously

encountered. Lately, I've come to an understanding that I tend to get distracted when I get home

because that's when I allow myself to slack off, so to address this issue, I've taken the time out

of my day to go to the library after school daily and get some type of work done before I allow

myself to go home and take a break. This way, I'm able to prioritize school work before giving

myself the option to rest because it forces me to stay on schedule to get done as much as I can

in the limited time that I’m giving myself.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The world around me affects my perception of this goal because understanding that the world

isn't going to stop for me motivates me to do better with the time that I have. The quote, "The

secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine," resonates with me for this exact reason.

From my understanding, time is going to be against me for the most part, but I get to choose

what to make of that time and whether it's going to be spent wisely. For me to be prepared for

the future, I need to first be prepared in the present because how I choose to spend my time

daily is ultimately going to impact me in the long run. If that means taking the first steps to

managing my priorities better or learning how to balance my life to make the most out of it, then

I need to know I'm working towards that to the best of my abilities to ensure I'm on the right


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