Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Nika Imamberdieva, 10/5/21, Pd 1

Goal Setting and Growth:

  1. At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

At this current point in time, the goals that I have for myself are to be able to organize my life and become better with my time management skills. As of right now, I am involved in a lot of school activities such as Soccer, Fall Musical, Science Olympiad, Student Organization and many more. With the added bonus of college applications, and school work on its own, I find myself to be very overwhelmed with all of my responsibilities. With the recent reopening of schools for full length days, it has been difficult to transition to a routine that encompasses all of my day-to-day tasks and activities. I have not fully adjusted to this yet and as a result, I have had a bit of trouble with keeping myself as organized and meticulous as I once was. 

Henceforth, my goal is to be able to get myself back on track. I need to find a way to balance all of my daily responsibilities in an efficient manner in order to make the most out of what little time there is in a day. Currently, I find myself to be very stressed and under a lot of pressure, such that I sacrifice necessities like sleep in order to do work I could have avoided if only I managed my time better. Thus, achieving this goal will ease my day-to-day tasks and improve my overall well-being. 


  1. How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

I have demonstrated resilience towards achieving this goal in that I’ve continued to better myself throughout this rough period. I have done my best to maintain my grades, my involvement in all my extracurriculars, and my responsibilities outside of school. Although it has been difficult, I never let myself self-destruct and lose all the progress and accomplishments I’ve made in my life so far. In an effort to achieve this goal, I take it step by step and do more and more each day to better my time management. For example, I’ve started going to sleep e earlier by the day, such that what began as a 4:00 AM bedtime has gotten really close to a midnight one. While I may have certain “cheat days” here and there, I’ve been going up pretty steadily. I anticipate that within the next few weeks, things will get even better because the Early Application deadline for colleges will have passed and I’ll get into a better groove. Additionally, both the soccer season and the Fall Musical Revue will be over by then so a huge weight will be lifted off of my shoulders. 

I understand that things like this take time, and while it may not have been very easy at the beginning, this is a goal that’s certainly worth achieving. And more so than that, I can see improvement within myself, both in how I feel internally and how I present myself to others externally. Therefore, I know that sooner or later, there will come a time where I have myself much more together and I won’t be as stressed out anymore, which will effectively improve the quality of my life. I am greatly looking forward to that day. 

  1. How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The world around me affectS my perception of this goal because of how it has affected my relationships with my loved ones. Because I feel as though I am under a lot of pressure all the time, it's hard for me to relax and just enjoy my time with others. This has affected my mental health in the last few weeks because the issue I’ve had has caused me to distance myself from my friends and family so as to keep up with all my other responsibilities. I haven’t gotten the chance to spend as much time with people as I have in the past and that has taken a toll on me. Therefore, by achieving this goal, I think I’ll have more opportunities to talk to and see my loved ones and that will make me less stressed out. I’ll feel much more content and just happier in general. The light and positive energy I gain from this will spread throughout my daily endeavors, giving me a better outlook on life overall. 

Furthermore, the world around me has also affected my perception of this goal in that I look to many of my peers and see them in a much better position than I am. While there are many who are struggling just as I am, there are several that seem to be so much more put together. This both discourages me and inspires me. It’s discouraging because it’s hard to see others in a position you wanna be in, but it’s also inspiring because it motivates me to make a change within myself. Hence, this makes it all the more critical that I achieve this goal, because by looking at the world around me, I can see how much better of a place I’ll be in if I could work through the struggles. 

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