Sunday, October 3, 2021

Holly Denig, Period 8, 10/4/21

 Holly Denig, Period 8, 10/4/21

Socio-political Consciousness

What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power?

In class we are currently writing critical theory analysis pieces on various Cinderella stories throughout history. Although Cinderella may seem like a light hearted fairy time, of a girl who ends up with her prince, it can also be looked at as a story of female oppression. Various stories throughout history express in different ways the societal pressures put on females to strive to appeal to men. It is a clear theme throughout history that a women should try and be the image of a beautiful housewife, and beauty was a highly valued trait in many cultures. Although the entire balanced has shifted and women are now on an even playing field, the stories have opened my eyes to instances of inequity in current society. Women today still strive to appeal to a romantic interest, and often times too much value will be placed on looks rather than personality. I feel as though women, or teenage girls typically will care more about their looks then men, and style themselves in a way that they think will impress a romantic interest more often. I think in our society, power has reached an almost equal balance, where as in the past women have had no power. I also believe that since the power has shifted, many improvements have occurred in society politically. A greater diversity in positions of power is necessary for conditions to be the best for the greatest amount of people. A clear example of this seem in the Cinderella tales, is that many were set in patriarchal societies, and men were in much better positions in society and had greater power and say over women. Comparatively to current day, more women are involved in politics and we see conditions continuing to increase for women. 

How do you reflect critically on your own beliefs, assumptions, values, and experiences, and how these can influence your perception of self and others?

Currently, in my own life, I have not experienced instances of female oppression, but as I read more and learn more about the world my awareness increases as to the oppression that occurred in the past and that is still occurring. I’m aware of the inequities in other societies, and oppression that continues to go on in other places. Many societies with primarily men still in power, that continue to practice traditions created many years ago, have systems set in place to keep women subservient to men. Arranged marriage systems in many countries often reinforce the idea of women working to appeal to a man’s desires or needs, while in modern societies a more equal system of marriage is in place. The stories we’ve read and analyzed, such as “Donkeyskin” or the Brothers Grimm “Cinderella” have made me realize that oppression is not always politically reinforced, but can be seen in societal pressures that keep women on an unequal playing field. Although I have not experienced this, I know it occurs in other societies. I do believe we have experiences of inequality, but these only can change gradually as societal standards and expectations change and shift. These stories have influenced my perception of others as I am now more observant to the instances of men taking prevalence over women, and women following along to keep in good graces, or overwhelm themselves trying to be a desirable partner. 

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