Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Mindy Chin, Period 8, 9/30/21

 Mindy Chin

Pd. 8 


Modern Mythology 2022

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

Similar to many students applying to college this fall, one specific goal that I have for myself is to initiate and push myself a little harder when it comes to college applications. Since summer of 2021, I implemented a mental goal to complete my personal statement before school started. As August 1 quickly approached, however, I decided it was too early and put off my essay due to a lack of motivation. As September 1 approached before my eyes, I realized that I do not have as much time as I initially thought. Realizing that October 1 is just a couple of days away, I now feel immense pressure to complete and finalize my common app essay as well as other aspects of my college application. My goal is to set hard deadlines for essays, supplements, etc. into my school and extracurricular schedule, ensuring that I follow through with it. Aside from school, I also want to be more mindful of my mindset. Oftentimes, I anticipate the worst-case scenario, even if that scenario has not happened yet. I have also noticed that I rush through day-to-day activities, such as homework and even casual conversations in hopes of having more time at the end of the day to unwind and relax. I have since realized that is not the case, as I realize that rushing through life means losing sight of the present moment, or life as it is right now. Other non-academic related goals are to pass my US figure skating tests in MITF and freestyle and continuing to prepare the colorguard for the upcoming competitions in October/November. I am still trying to juggle these extracurricular activities into my schedule, but I know that taking the time to invest in activities that I genuinely enjoy will be better in the long run for my overall wellbeing. 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Right now, I hope to set goals that are attainable and realistic; to do that, I will break down my college to-do list into daily tasks that can be accomplished within a reasonable time frame (ex: writing only one supplement a day, dedicating one week to revising my college essay, etc.). Rather than worry about impending college essays/supplements, I can take a more active approach by setting aside time everyday (whether it be just 15 min. to an hour) to reduce my anxiety towards it. It will also help me be more present, as I will worry less while invested in other obligations. By utilizing positive thinking, I can change my mindset to appreciate the fact that I have the opportunity to pursue higher education Instead of thinking of college apps a hefty task on my to-do list. In order to be more intentional, I hope to become more aware of my thoughts by meditating at least once a day and focusing my attention on only one task at a time. Non-academically, I will communicate my skating goals with my coach and work alongside her as well as with my co-captains and drum majors to establish a realistic plan for marching band now that our first competition is less than two weeks away. Overall, I will try to set hard deadlines in order to complete tasks that are imminent. 

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

Many students my age are in the same situation as I am, so it feels reassuring to know that I am not the only one struggling to do everything with limited time. Additionally, knowing that there are resources available to help (ex: my older brother, relatives who have gone through the college application process already, etc.) is comforting. It also makes me happy knowing that my friends are also applying to similar schools, as it gives me hope that we might be able to pursue higher education in (hopefully) similar geographic areas. Even more, because others are striving to get into top colleges/universities, I feed off their motivation and zeal to do the same. In terms of mindfulness, the world as it is in the 21st century has become more open and receptive to mental health and wellbeing. Knowing this, I am comforted knowing that we, as a society, all struggle through similar issues and that we can help each other overcome them. There are also many mental resources available on the Internet - from meditation apps to 501(c) nonprofit organizations such as Child Resilient that focus on spreading mental health awareness and general knowledge about mental health. As for my extracurricular goals, I look up to world-renowned figure skaters like Alysa Liu and Alexandra Trusova for inspiration and watch colorguard videos to gain inspiration and remind myself why I enjoy partaking in these activities.  

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