Friday, May 14, 2021

Jared Solis, Period 5, 5/10/21, Day B

The Unusual Suspects

As I woke up, the only thing he could see was darkness. Feeling around, he wasn't stuck to anything but he couldn't move.

 "What is happening?", I asked himself, "Where am I?"

"HELPP!," I screams, clueless as to what is going on. Suddenly, the dark night slowly faded into a white space devoid of movement. There were 4 others beside I, all trapped as well. 

"What are we doing here?," asks I. 

One of them looks over and says, "We don't know. You were the last to wake up. We've been sitting here for days."

With his eyes finally adjusted to the newfound sight, I managed to sneak a look at the 4 others around him. All a different letter, they seemed different shades of confused and scared, unable to process what was happening. From a glance, I was able to create a quick profile on each of them. 

R had the body language of one who would never back down from a fight. P was indifferent, perhaps even bored of the situation the five seemed to find themselves in. X and A seemed to be scared out of their wits, perhaps lovers, but A was objectively the more frightened of the two.

Arranged from right to left, they made the word, P I X A R.

All of a sudden, the five captives heard a faint tapping noise getting closer. As they glanced to their left, they saw a lamp hop into view, shining its bright light on all of the letters. Blinded by the light, all I could do was watch the lamp hop closer and closer. 

"Who are you? What do you want from us?," I asked.

The lamp shouts, "I want to know! Who! Took! My! Money!"

I's heart plummeted. "How did he find out? My heist was foolproof!" 

Months earlier, while tight on money, I robbed the single greatest mobboss around town. Never in his life did he think he would get caught. As the lamp trotted over to each letter, his singular lightbulb shined into their souls like a lighthouse searching for a shipwreck, filling the captives with fear.

"Whoever did this made a big mistake! Nobody steals from me and nobody is leaving until we find the thief!," the lamp screams out of anger.

"I have to come up with something quick," I thinks to himself. 

Hopping closer to examine each letter, he finally comes face to face with I. The perspiration started to roll down I's frame as he nervously looked around for answers. Frantically searching for clues, when I's sight fixates on A, sensing his tense complexion. He forms a brief plan with a slight chance of working.

Staring at him pointedly, I exclaimed, "He's the one you want! Not me!"

Going in for closer look, the lamp fixated on A as he let off a squeak.  

"He would never!," X shouts. 

"Please sir! I have a family!," A lets out desperately, "I did it!"

I let out a laugh. He believed his plan was successful. "Oh you screwed up now! What he said is the truth!," I said triumphantly. 

"So you're proud of what you did?," the lamp asks angrily.

I's heart dropped to his feet. Realizing his mistake, I exclaims, "No! You misunderstand, I    meant-"

"You think you can fool me? I've been doing this since 1986! I outta teach you a lesson!," says the lamp.

The lamp bends down and jumps into the sky, right above I. The last image that I sees is the bottom of the lamp's base. As he finishes the job, the lamp looks around before staring into space to the only witnesses of the crime..... 











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