Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Adrian Seucan, Period 5, 5/5/2021, Day B

Adrian Seucan                                                                                                                                               5/5/2021                                                                                                                                                       Period 5, Day B                                                                                                                                              Modern Mythology 2021

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

Currently, my main goal is to find a balance between work and relaxation. Since this year has been so much more hectic than usual, maintaining this balance has been hard. Even though college applications are over, I still feel weighed down with school work and AP course material. In addition to this, I have to submit immunization forms to my college which is very tedious, and it always feels like I'm jumping from one task to another. This is an issue for me, since when I do have a brief respite from all this schoolwork, I end up taking too long of a break, which results in me hurrying to finish things on time, making me even more mentally exhausted. Thus, this vicious cycle keeps repeating. Since I'm going to college next year, and I know that the workload will be more intense, I'm trying to adjust so that I divide up my time more proportionally. I need to strike a balance, lest I become a living zombie.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (Or these goals?)

Though its been hard, these past few months I've been trying to teach myself more discipline regarding deadlines. For instance, every cycle for this school year I've been doing my math homework on the day before its due, even though I have at least three days to spread the workload. But in the last month, I've been trying to split up the homework, so that I do a little one day, and a little the next, so that I don't feel overwhelmed. Another issue I have, is that I like to get everything done at once. So even when I'm assigned work that in theory should take hours to complete, I have this urge to finish it all in one day, which takes its toll on me. To combat this, I try taking short breaks in between work, by watching cartoons, or playing chess, so that my mind can recharge and be fresh for the next batch of schoolwork. Something else I try to do when I'm faced with tons of work, is to get into a rhythm. This especially works when doing math and chemistry homework. I would solve one problem, and then go onto the next one, all the while trying to avoid thinking how many I have left. This usually works, since I feel less overwhelmed, and more in the zone, where outside distractions fade from my mind, and I can truly focus all my concentration on the given problem at hand. 

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (Or these goals?)

Before I say how my goal is shaped by my surroundings, I should state how my surroundings have shaped my problem.  NYC is famous for its bustling atmosphere, and throngs of people moving from one place to another. Everyone has somewhere to be, something to do, hence "the city that never sleeps." As a New Yorker, I have bought in to this attitude since I see it everywhere in my daily life. Thus, it always feels like I'm thinking about the next event in my life, always moving from one thing to another (schoolwork is no exception). So I don't really have that much time to reflect. The people who help me manage this problem, are my friends. Whether it is through running with them, watching a movie with them, or having sessions on discord for the macro hw, they have a way of making me feel less overwhelmed about everything in general, where I can just forget about the workload I have, even if its just for a few hours. Therefore, they help me believe that everything isn't so hopeless, that I have people who have my back when I'm feeling stressed, and that I can find this balance between work and relaxation, to the point where I'm finally content with how things pan out. 

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