Thursday, March 25, 2021

Shyla Zou, 3/26/2021, PD8, Day C

Shyla Zou
Period 8, Day C
Modern Mythology 2021

What are your thoughts and feelings about issues of inequity, oppression, and/or power?

“….the definition and critical analysis of oppression has left out the complexity, voices and lived experiences of individuals who have been severely impacted by injustice and oppression…”

– bell hooks (1994)

We live amidst hate, inequity, oppression, and injustice. Throughout United States history, we can see examples of oppression within society, be it because of race, gender, or identity. The influences of governmental policies and systems have allowed such unjust practices in our communities today, communities where most are people of color. Racial inequality has been, for a while, a big problem in our country but has continued to be ignored not only by bystanders in those communities that are causing hate, but the government as well. In 2020, there were 1,004 fatal police shootings, with most of the victims being Black Americans. In many of these instances, the victim was not at fault but their death was the direct result of police brutality. Even with the community protesting, the officers at fault would not and would not be brought to trial, and the families of the deceased would have to suffer. This is one of the main instances of oppression within our society, and while we are protesting and working to bring justice to those wrongfully killed through Black Lives Matter, it may never be enough. Society has for so long suppressed the voices of those that were targeted and have continued to paint a bullseye on the backs of those that do not deserve this treatment. Our system is broken, and will continue to be until people can step up and properly do their jobs.

How do you reflect critically on your own beliefs, assumptions, values, and experiences, and how these can influence your perception of self and others?

As an Asian American amongst many others, I have also experienced racism from those that dislike me for no other reason than being Asian. Me and my friends getting called slurs while we are on the streets, people mocking my language, and having to face prejudice for being Chinese. So many Asians and Asian Americans stay silent while being ridiculed and being told to “go back to their countries” that many are now ashamed to be Asian. There are many who want to not be Asian as to fit with the norms of society, without realizing that they are, in fact, normal and there is nothing wrong with being Asian. When Covid-19 first spread out of China, the hate against Asians became more intense than ever before, and even my parents were afraid to leave the house with the fear of being targeted, telling me to stay home when I can. And even now, innocent Asian people are being targeted on the streets. However, with the Stop Asian Hate movement, I can see that people are standing up against oppression and inequity, fighting against a system designed to keep them under,

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