Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Bao Bao Chen, Period 2, 03/24/2021, Day A

 Bao Bao Chen
Modern Mythology 2021
Period 2 

Goal Setting & Growth

- At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

- How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)
- How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

    At the point in time, my current goal for myself is deciding on a college that would be suit me as well as carefully considering how these decisions I make now may affect my life later on. I believe that as a a senior, this is a time of change because soon, I'll become an adult and will have to be responsible for my own work. Instead of expecting everything to be there and done for by my parents, I need to slowly learn important skills such as, money management, by myself. Correct financial management is also one of the goals that I want to properly learn right now to make sure I have good habits before I grow older.
    For college, in order to make sure I go to a college fit for me, I will make sure to carefully consider my choices and all factors while doing additional research before making my final decision. For my financial management, I am lucky to be currently taking Mr. Manzo's economics class where he teaches us about proper finance and even provides personal anecdotes to help us picture and understand the lessons he is teaching better. Since both of these goals are things that will affect me in the long term, I will make sure I make the proper decisions and gain the knowledge that I need to know.
    For my goals and decisions with college, the people around me will influence my thoughts to a certain degree. One thing I kept on telling myself was that whether or not I got into a prestige school, I should be focusing on what school sounds right to me. Hearing others getting into good schools makes me feel happy and slightly envious of them but ultimately, their results shouldn't be affecting mine. While in theory, this sounds logical, in real life, I need to make sure that when making my decision, it is what I want to do and not something my parents or friends suggested.
    For my goals in proper financial management, I think that learning both lessons and mistakes from people around me will help me grow as a person and build my money managing skills. As somebody who learns better when they can relate to somebody, hearing other people's stories about money management allows me to put myself in their shoes and think about what decisions I would have made or done differently instead. However, I am well aware that even if they are people I know well or admire, they may not make the perfect financial decisions all the time which is why I will learn from their mistakes as well.

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