Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Nick Feng, 12/22/2020, Period 5, Day B

 Nick Feng

Modern Mythology

Period 5


Write about your thoughts regarding the most current reading.

    Our most current reading was about the book of revelation. From the reading, I began to understand more about how the religion emphasizes being faithful and trusting that they will be all saved in the end. I admire all the martyrs who have the courage to stand up to their authorities at the time and remain faithful. For them to have faith and sacrifice their lives as examples for others, simply requires tremendous courage in my opinion. For Noah Ark, God wipes out the entire human race and only leaves Noah with his family. I found this a little hard to take in that everyone was wiped out and that only Noah was spared.

Reflect on any new information you have learned in English class by considering how that learning influences your critical perception?

   These readings have taught me a lot about the Christian religion that I have never learned before. I never understood how their religion has brought them throughout some of their toughest times. From reading the Book of Job to the Revelation, I began to realize that their religion helps them get through tough periods within their lives. The information from the Book of Job teaches me that in life things are often unexpected and out of your control. However, you should remain faithful and trust the process, like how the Christians trust in their God.

How is what you’re learned applied to any classes/the world around you?

    What I have learned applies to the world around me in many different ways. From my previous blog post, I talked about how I know things in life may not work in the way I want it to and how I will be resilient to that. These new readings have only built upon that belief of mine. Especially with the college process almost over, I need to trust the process even more. Whatever the results are, I will not stop working hard and will trust that down the road, I will find my place to be.

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