Sunday, November 22, 2020

Michael Tarasov, Period 5, 11/19/2020, Day B


Goal Setting & Growth 

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

At the current point in time my primary focus is on filling out my college applications and meeting the due dates for each college. Because I am applying early action to colleges that do early action admissions, many of my deadlines were in November or are going to take place in December. Meeting these deadlines is especially difficult because of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as sudden school closures. However, I must meet the deadlines for college applications so that I could complete my education and get a career. This pandemic highlights the importance of having educated professionals in the work force. Without educated professionals in the tech industry it would not have been possible for the world to transition to working remotely as effectively or efficiently as we did. Additionally, without medical experts it is very probable that we would have had even more infections and fatalities than we currently do.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal?

I have been working toward meeting these deadlines by setting aside my Saturdays for doing college applications and essays. Having a set amount of time to work every week allows me to work on my application consistently while not getting burned out from constantly doing the work. Furthermore, by choosing to set aside all other work for Sunday, I am able to concentrate solely on my college applications on Saturday making my work more efficient. Another step I am taking to make sure that I meet all of my deadlines on time is keeping an organized calendar for when I have a due date and what I have to due by that day. This calendar allows me to set reasonable milestones for myself as I move towards accomplishing my larger goals.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal?

The situation in the world around us has made it more difficult to complete college applications and at the same time has reinforced the necessity of a thorough education. If we didn't have educated professionals it would not have been possible to contain the virus whatsoever and as a result we would have had even more deaths taking place around the world. Another area where well educated professionals have been able to soothe the blow from the virus is in technology. Without modern technologies such as Google Classroom, Zoom, and in a larger sense the internet as a whole it would not have been possible to continue work during lock downs.




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