Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Colleen Wang, Period 8, 11/12/20, Day C

Colleen Wang
Period 8
Day C

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why

Earlier this year, I resolved to never snooze my alarm again. As much as I wish I could say this resolution was made out of self-control, I really made it out of laziness. I noticed that it takes less energy to wake up once, rather than waking up and falling back asleep in a fitful cycle of 5-minute increments. Rather than laying half-asleep in anticipation of the next alarm, I can wake up having had better sleep quality and much more energy to start the day. Silly as this example is, in some ways it’s also indicative of who I am. I realized that I need to stop putting things off and dismissing opportunities in favor of familiarity. My goal is to become accustomed to discomfort.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

Recently, I joined the ACE (Architecture, Construction, Engineering) Mentor program. Since I would like to pursue a career in engineering, I thought it would be a great learning opportunity and substitutive experience in case I couldn’t find an internship later in the year. Instead, I now find myself barely accommodating our two-hour meetings in the midst of school and extracurriculars, and feeling extremely intimidated by my peers’ skills and superior experiences. But I know that these are just insecure excuses from the shy kindergartener inside of me, so I’ll stick it out and live it to the full.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

The diversity of our world today reminds me that I am privileged to have the choice of comfort and the option to remain complacent with my life. Many others aren’t able to choose education over working a job, or even afford an alarm clock for that matter. While I may be debating whether to grab a couple more minutes of sleep, someone is choosing whether to keep the roof over their head or to fill their empty stomach. So, I can keep living my familiar routine or I can be unapologetic and seize moments as they come. In relation to the grand scope of things, the choice is simple.

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