Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Autumn Swartz, Pd 2, 11/23/20, Day A

Autumn Swartz
Modern Mythology 2021
Period 2

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why

    The current goal that I have is getting all of my work done in a timely manner, while also focusing on my own well-being. Juggling the amount of work from extracurriculars, school, and college applications have felt very overwhelming. At times I feel like I’m drowning in work and just want to take a break, which leads to me doing so despite not having the time to. This causes me to procrastinate and stress even more trying to get everything done. While I do consider college applications as the most important, I still aim to do all of my other work well. It would not be beneficial for me to disregard one in favor of the other, as everything impacts me in some way. However, this does lead to a lot of late nights and a lack of sleep. I’m working to manage my time better by not procrastinating as much on assignments and lay out a schedule of each day for myself. I make a mental note of what I need and want to get done everyday and work to finish everything I set out to do. It doesn’t always work out, but I’m trying my best to keep up with everything. I’m focusing on my well-being by still working on things that are good for my health and allowing myself needed breaks here and there in between doing my work. Some things that have served as good breaks for me to breathe have been listening to music, cooking and baking (I currently love making iced chai tea lattes and chia seed pudding), and watching Criminal Minds.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

    I demonstrate resilience by continuing to work hard and constantly reminding myself to keep getting everything done. I always get my work done, even during my bouts of laziness, and I try to keep myself motivated. Breaking down everything I have to do during a particular day and checking things off as I go has enabled me to keep myself motivated and moving. I also make sure that I take time to breathe. Going on fast mode all the time is too tiring to keep up; I need breaks to keep going. In order to keep up my momentum and motivation when completing my work I always make sure to take some time to close my eyes and breathe, so that I can be more focused.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

    The world around me often distracts me from my goal and makes me lose sight of it. If I get too caught up in what’s going on I often lose sight of what I was trying to accomplish and end up procrastinating. However, while the world can be a distraction, it also can make my goal seem more achievable and realistic, as I see others struggling with the same things I am. I see that I’m not the only one who has had to work through the problem of procrastination or having trouble getting motivated, and due to these struggles being so common there’s a lot of advice on how to manage the workload and complete it in a more timely manner. Sometimes everything can get jumbled together and look like a mess as teachers assign more work and college applications ask for multiple things at a time, but when I take a step back, breathe, and focus I am able to form a clear cut plan and start again. I’m still working on taking that step back consistently, but as I move forward I will continue to draw from the advice of others in order to be more timely when completing work and focusing more on my well-being.

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