Monday, October 26, 2020

Rieko Luo, PD8, 10/21/2020, Day C

Rieko Luo
Modern Mythology
Day C

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?

This week is the last week of October, which happens to be full of college deadlines and scholarship submissions for me. Therefore, my goals, at this current point in time, are to submit my applications and essays confidently. I have spent nearly months perfecting my essays, trying to show my best self in 650-word essays and 250-word prompts. All that time has been dedicated to my future career and the place I will spend my next 4 years at, so I wish to close that chapter with a smile on my face and relief in my body. Though this relief will only be temporarily (as I have to repeat this process for Regular Decision in December), I believe that my body has earned the break and should take some time to recuperate, which leads me to my second goal: I aim to spend more time focusing on myself and my family. I have been holed up in my room for the past few weeks stressing and drowning in school work and college submissions. The only times I have seen my family are during meals, and even then I am too lost in thoughts to properly talk about how my day is going. I miss dinner time; I miss joking around with my siblings and keeping updated on my relatives in China. After confidently submitting my applications, I aim to spend the next few days recuperating with my family.

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)

By splitting my day into blocks of time that I can control and move around, I have built a motivation for myself to complete a portion of work everyday. I also wake up earlier to increase more time in my day so I can complete more work in the morning before class. However, I must confess, I have had a few breakdowns as college deadlines approach closer, but nonetheless, I spend a few spare minutes doing deep-breath exercises before continuing my work. Furthermore, I am pushing myself to complete these submissions because I am so close to the finish line, I can almost taste freedom and relief. Therefore, in a way, I am using the end reward as a sort of last-resort motivation to keep me going.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)

Still to this day, I cannot believe that we are still in a global pandemic. I have hardly left the house, and all habits within the house have stayed the same (except for the few stray masks that lie around). As I am fighting college deadlines and school work, I understand that there are other people, victims and front-liners, in the world that are battling a virus. In this context, my goals of trying to finish writing essays and meeting deadlines seem shallow and inconsiderate of others. These goals are made to tackle the problems that I deem most relevant to me right now, but I know and wholeheartedly understand that there are bigger problems in the world right now. Therefore, perhaps my goal of spending time with my family should take priority, as that is a privilege that many do not have right now. Some families are thousands of miles apart due to travel restrictions and some families have even lost loved ones. I should be thankful that I still see my family every day, and I should make more of an effort to do more than just “see” them.

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