Monday, October 26, 2020

Iram Liu, Period 5, 10/23/20, Day B

Iram Liu
Period 5
Modern Mythology 2021

Goal Setting & Growth

At this current point in time, what specific goal(s) do you have for yourself? Why?
After joining the cross country team my freshman year, goal setting has become a major driving force in my life. Whether it be specific times I want to run for track or grades that I want to receive in school, goal setting has prevented me from becoming complacent and pushed me to be the best version of myself. During these unprecedented times, I have set new goals for myself in every aspect of my life. 

Coming from an immigrant family, education is of utmost importance to me so one of the biggest goals that I have set for myself is to finish my Early Action college applications. While this goal falls under the broader goal of college applications, I recognize the importance to take things one step at a time and break down large goals into smaller ones to make them more attainable. 

During the summer, the possibility of a fall cross country season was remote but, as a team, we wanted to still train and keep ourselves in shape so we would be ready if races opened up. Fast forward to October, I am glad to have been able to run outside (socially distanced of course) and get myself into really good shape. Since youth sports opened up, that meant that I could compete. Now, my goal is to maintain my fitness by running every day, and more importantly, take care of my body by stretching and rolling every day so that come race day, I will be ready. 

Lastly, I have made it a big goal to spend more quality time with my family members, especially my younger brother. Under usual circumstances, I spend a lot of time at school, at practice, or at meets. Most days, I will leave my house at 6:30 in the morning to get to school and come home after practice around 7:00 in the evening. Then, I have to get all my homework done leaving very little time for me to actually spend time with my family. While remote learning is definitely weird, it has provided me with the gift of time and I have made it a goal to spend at least an hour a day interacting with my family. 

How do you demonstrate resilience towards achieving this goal? (or these goals?)
While remote learning has given me a lot more time, it was challenging to stay on top of everything and find the right balance. I would procrastinate and just keep putting off my college applications. To deal with this, I created a schedule for myself so that I would stay on task and not get distracted. In addition, I made a Discord with some friends so we could keep each other accountable which helped to ensure that we were all working on our college apps. While I did not have much trouble with my other two goals, the schedule still helped with balancing all the things I wanted and needed to do in a day.

How does the world around you affect your perception of this goal? (or these goals?)
The events around the world have taught me the importance of being flexible with my goals. Prior to COVID-19 and the shutdowns, I had set goals to run fast during the outdoor season but, due to COVID-19, the outdoor season was canceled. This forced me to reset my goals and while I was initially devastated, this taught me to be patient and to trust the process. Life is not always going to be perfect and easy so I need to be adaptive. Therefore, when I set these three goals, I kept in mind that I might need to adjust them depending on the future. In addition, everything that has happened this year has made me appreciate the fact that I’m able to focus on the goals that I have set for myself. COVID-19, wildfires, the protests against police brutality have greatly affected many people's lives preventing them from pursuing their wants since they are always focused on their needs. However, I have been able to work towards my goals without worrying as much as other people in the country and around the world. Ultimately, while my goals have for the most part stayed the same, I’ve learned to be open to change and be ready to adapt.

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