Thursday, June 11, 2020

3/25 Gautaman Asirwatham Period 2 - LATE

What is it like working from home?

Working from home gives me the freedom to do whatever I want. This comes with challenges and advantages. I have pursued interests of mine that I had put off for a long time and have had a lot of time to relax and enjoy myself. I have also lacked motivation to participate in school and finish my studies. I never thought senioritis could be so bad. Weighing the pros and cons I would say that quarantine and isolation has been fruitful in many ways. My conception of school and society has changed a lot. I realize that school isn’t what makes you learn but rather the effort it demands of you. I have also learned that I should spend more time doing what I enjoy rather than what is asked of me. I learned that I genuinely liked going to school and that what I hated all along was homework. These realizations will inevitably change the decisions I make in college. I only hope that I do not squander the talents I am gifted with by choosing to enjoy my life more actively.

What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions?

On an individual level, I am learning how social people are meant to be. With everyone isolating everyone is going a bit crazy. I also am learning how important a routine is as I see my friends slowly fall into degeneracy. I learned that getting sunlight and air is necessary to avoid depression for many people.

On a societal level, I am learning that large scale problems require a severe and visceral impetus to cause change. The US specifically perpetuates many obvious problems simply out of negligence and fear. The list is too long with racial injustice, unsustainable industries, lack of universal healthcare, and many others. The youth are very progressive judging from their public reactions but older people are generally more fearful of change. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

I feel that isolation creates a unique environment for self growth and understanding and as such people should take advantage of the current global circumstances. I am doing my best to stay positive and productive day by day.

I am sad about the damages caused and lives ruined by the various problems in 2020. I am also sad that many people are not treating each other humanely or listening to each other. I think that when such tragedies are happening we should all try to support each other and solve the problem together. Instead, people are dividing further and not being kind to one another. Of course, this is easier said than done but I believe it is a simple sentiment that goes a long way to make the world better.

Finally, I feel hopeful about the future as many of the world’s problems are being exposed for what they are. In the short term many will suffer but in the future people will be better off for our struggles. If there is another outbreak or social problem people will be faster to solve it and more understanding of each other.

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